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SlipStream (2023)

'SlipStream' (2023) Wynscreen, Wynyard Station, Sydney NSW

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
15 sec moving image. Installation view.

Wynscreen, Wynyard Station

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for Sydney WorldPride 2023
Photo: Document Photography

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
15 sec moving image. Installation view.

Wynscreen, Wynyard Station

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for Sydney WorldPride 2023

Photo: Document Photography

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
15 sec moving image. Installation view.

Wynscreen, Wynyard Station

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for Sydney WorldPride 2023

Photo: Document Photography

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
15 sec moving image. Installation view.

Wynscreen, Wynyard Station

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for Sydney WorldPride 2023

Photo: Document Photography

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
15 sec moving image. Installation view.

Wynscreen, Wynyard Station

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for Sydney WorldPride 2023

Photo: Document Photography

'SlipStream' (2023) Ashfield Train Station Pedestrian Tunnel, Sydney NSW

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
Augmented reality animations, vinyl hoarding, LED lighting, QR codes

Ashfield Station Pedestrian Tunnel

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for the reVITALise Rainbow Tunnels Creative Program

Photo: Kieran Butler

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
Augmented reality animations, vinyl hoarding, LED lighting, QR codes

Ashfield Station Pedestrian Tunnel

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for the reVITALise Rainbow Tunnels Creative Program

Photo: Kieran Butler

Alexandra Jonscher and Andrew Christie 'SlipStream' (2023) 
Augmented reality animations, vinyl hoarding, LED lighting, QR codes

Ashfield Station Pedestrian Tunnel

Commissioned by Transport for NSW for the reVITALise Rainbow Tunnels Creative Program

Photo: Kieran Butler

Artist Notes


'SlipStream' was a collaborative work I made with Andrew Christie exploring our shared experiences of bisexuality. It reflects upon the multifaceted experience of bisexuality through a celebration of queer experience. The artwork depicts a whimsical, sugary, fluid landscape inspired by play and free expression. The landscape is populated by a community of abstract avatars that signify different types of queer expression, from hiding and masking, to being out, loud and proud. They are playful abstract interpretations of queer bodies, that represent the different feelings that arise from coming out and being queer. 'SlipStream' aims to celebrate the queer experience and provide an avenue for audiences unfamiliar with queer culture to build awareness and learn about LGBTQIA+ experiences in a celebratory and interactive environment.


'SlipStream' was commissioned by Transport for NSW for the the ReVITALise Rainbow Tunnels Creative Program for Sydney WorldPride 2023. The work was presented as an augmented reality activated hoarding installation at Ashfield Pedestrian Tunnel on Wangal Country, Ashfield, NSW. 


Transport for NSW then invited us to translate 'Slipstream' into a moving image work to also be shown on Wynscreen for Sydney WorldPride 2023 from February 17th  - March 5th 2023.​​

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